About Us

 Mr Nimale Abdillahi

Company Register Number: 12788594
Company address in United Kingdom:
Address: 4 Russel Road, Bristol, England, BS16 3PH
Company address in United State:
Address: 1012 Waubeek Rd, Central City, IA 52214, United States
Number: (+1) 541 217 2529
Email: [email protected]

Dalbostore Ltd is dedicated to offering contemporary and practical furniture for both residential and commercial spaces that caters to our customers’ unique needs. Our passion for design and innovation drives us to create visually stunning, durable, and functional furniture pieces that serve as a reflection of our customers’ unique style and personality.

At Dalbostore Ltd, we believe that furniture should not only serve a functional purpose but also be an extension of your personal style. This is why our skilled designers and craftsmen work diligently to produce furniture items that are both aesthetically pleasing and built to last. We take pride in sourcing only the finest materials, including solid wood, rubberwood, MFC, and 100% polyester, to ensure that our products are durable and long-lasting.

Our extensive collection comprises a wide range of furniture pieces, including dining chairs, tables, display shelves, sofas, coffee tables, and desks, designed to enhance your living spaces. Whether you’re seeking a contemporary and elegant dining set or a stylish and functional desk for your home office, we have something to suit your individual preferences and requirements.

At Dalbostore Ltd, customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we achieve this by providing outstanding service and high-quality products. Our knowledgeable team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have, and we offer a 30-day return policy to ensure your complete satisfaction. We aim to exceed your expectations at every step of the way and strive to establish long-term relationships with our customers.

We appreciate your interest in Dalbostore Ltd as your preferred furniture supplier. Please browse our collection at your convenience and feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require assistance. We look forward to providing you with top-notch, functional, and stylish furniture that enhances your home or office.